In this Session IX : Object Oriented Programming there are 5 sub topics:
- Introduction
- Object-Oriented Programming
- Design Issues for Object-Oriented Languages
- Support for Object-Oriented Programming in C++
- Implementation of Object-Oriented Constructs
Languages that support object-oriented programming now are firmly entrenched in the mainstream. From COBOL to LISP, including virtually every language in between, dialects that support object-oriented programming have appeared. C++, Objective-C, and Ada 95 support procedural and data-oriented programming, in addition to object-oriented programming. Newer languages do not support other paradigms but use their imperative structures (e.g., Java and C#), some are pure OOP language (e.g., Smalltalk & Ruby)
Object-Oriented Programming
There are three major language features:
–Abstract data types : already discussed in session VIII
Inheritance is the central theme in OOP. Inheritance offers a solution to both the modification problem posed by abstract data type reuse and the program organization problem. If a new abstract data type can inherit the data and functionality of some existing type, and is also allowed to modify some of those entities and add new entities, reuse is greatly facilitated without requiring changes to the reused abstract data type. Programmers can begin with an existing abstract data type and design a modified descendant of it to fit a new problem requirement. Furthermore, inheritance provides a framework for the definition of hierarchies of related classes that can reflect the descendant relationships in the problem space.
- Inheritance can be complicated by access controls to encapsulated entities
- A class can hide entities from its subclasses
- A class can hide entities from its clients
- A class can also hide entities for its clients while allowing its subclasses to see them
- Besides inheriting methods as is, a class can modify an inherited method
- The new one overrides the inherited one
- The method in the parent is overriden
There are 3 ways a class can differ from its parent:
- The parent class can define some of its variables or methods to have private access, which means they will not be visible in the subclass
- The subclass can add variables and/or methods to those inherited from the parent
- The subclass can modify the behavior of one or more of its inherited methods.
There are two kinds of variables in a class:
- –Class variables – one/class
- –Instance variables – one/object
There are two kinds of methods in a class:
- –Class methods – accept messages to the class
- –Instance methods – accept messages to objects
One disadvantage of inheritance for reuse is it creates interdependencies among classes that complicate maintenance
Dynamic Binding (Polymorphism)
Polymorphism is a natural part of any object-oriented language that is statically typed. In a sense, polymorphism makes a statically typed language a little bit dynamically typed, where the little bit is in some bindings of method calls to methods. The type of a polymorphic variable is indeed dynamic. A polymorphic variable can be defined in a class that is able to reference (or point to) objects of the class and objects of any of its descendants. When a class hierarchy includes classes that override methods and such methods are called through a polymorphic variable, the binding to the correct method will be dynamic. One purpose of dynamic binding is to allow software systems to be more easily extended during both development and maintenance.
Support for Object-Oriented Programming in C++
To main backward compatibility with C, C++ retains the type system of C and adds classes to it. Therefore, C++ has both traditional imperative-language types and the class structure of an object-oriented language. It supports methods, as well as functions that are not related to specific classes. This makes it a hybrid language, supporting both procedural programming and object- oriented programming.
A C++ class can be derived from an existing class, which is then its parent, or base, class. Unlike Smalltalk and most other languages that support object- oriented programming, a C++ class can also be stand-alone, without a superclass. All C++ objects must be initialized before they are used. Therefore, all C++ classes include at least one constructor method that initializes the data members of the new object. Constructor methods are implicitly called when an object is created. If any of the data members are pointers to heap-allocated data, the constructor allocates that storage.
All of the member functions we have defined thus far are statically bound; that is, a call to one of them is statically bound to a function definition. A C++ object could be manipulated through a value variable, rather than a pointer or a reference. (Such an object would be static or stack dynamic.) However, in that case, the object’s type is known and static, so dynamic binding is not needed. On the other hand, a pointer variable that has the type of a base class can be used to point to any heap-dynamic objects of any class publicly derived from that base class, making it a polymorphic variable. Publicly derived subclasses are subtypes if none of the members of the base class are private. Privately derived subclasses are never subtypes. A pointer to a base class cannot be used to reference a method in a subclass that is not a subtype.
Implementation of Object-Oriented Constructs
There are at least two parts of language support for object-oriented programming that pose interesting questions for language implementers: storage structures for instance variables and the dynamic bindings of messages to methods.
- Storage structures for instance variablesIn C++, classes are defined as extensions of C’s record structures—structs. This similarity suggests a storage structure for the instance variables of class instances—that of a record. This form of this structure is called a class instance record (CIR). The structure of a CIR is static, so it is built at compile time and used as a template for the creation of the data of class instances. Every class has its own CIR. When a derivation takes place, the CIR for the subclass is a copy of that of the parent class, with entries for the new instance variables added at the end.
- Dynamic binding of messages to methodsMethods in a class that are statically bound need not be involved in the CIR for the class. However, methods that will be dynamically bound must have entries in this structure. Such entries could simply have a pointer to the code of the method, which must be set at object creation time. Calls to a method could then be connected to the corresponding code through this pointer in the CIR. The drawback to this technique is that every instance would need to store pointers to all dynamically bound methods that could be called from the instance.
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